PSTA Event Calendar

The past couple months have been trying and stressful for our communities, the nation and the world. Maintaining the event calendar on the Pure Stodge web site has become a challenge with cancellation and postponement of rallies and events nationwide. As always, check with event organizers before you make plans to attend any event. If you decide to venture out and ride, as always, ride safe. Maintain social distancing. Be aware of how your actions may affect not only your health but the health of anyone in which you come in contact.

As of today, in an attempt to present the most current and accurate calendar to the PSTA, please go to the BMW MOA Events calendar of all MOA rallies and events for the most current event information. This can be found at

The PSTA Event Calendar will continue to maintain events of interest to our riders that are not included on the MOA site. If you know of events that may be of interest to PSTA members feel free to send them to [email protected].

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